hello guys,
new to the forum, i dont currently own any sunn eequipment but i found a used cab i am thinking about purchasing, and thats why im here. the owner claims its a pre- fender cabinet. its a 4x10, bottom ported, volume controlled horn, so he says. i guess im just wondering what the details on this cab are? how can i verify it is what he says it is, i.e. is there a date code? what speakers should be in it? i assume that varies based on exactly how old it is. i am going to guess its late 70's or early 80's but really have no idea... it could be post fender for all i know. and if it is, should i care? i like fender gear,both my basses are american made fenders. anyway i really dont know much about it except i need to replace my cabinet i just sold in a package deal and this is in my price range and interesting to me becasue of sunns history. i play hard rock music through an SLM SVT Classic. if i decide to purchase this, i would be coupling this cab with a single 15.
thanks a lot