Well gentlemen---if you cruise on over to the "official" Sunn site---<
www.sunnamps.com>--- you'll discover that some changes are being made. It's important that you understand that each of YOU were crucially responsible for this activity.
The player's interest in SUNN is definetly growing a little bit every day and we at Fender have much more than a "casual-interest" in seeing SUNN rise again to the levels which Conrad, Norman, and their crew worked so hard to achieve in years past.
I'd especially like to thank Conrad Sundholm for his input to this site. As he is the "Sultan of Sunn", his participation has already solved several mysteries for many of us us and I hope that he will continue to be a valuable resource for all of us.
Let's not forget, however, that Conrad is STILL making valuable contributions to the music world. I'd ask that you head on over to his NEW site and get familiar with what's going on in his life today. Thanks again. "SUNN--the Bassfest of Champions"
Bass-ically Yours,
Rich Briere