So I had just gotten my Model T back from the shop, it had a capacitor that went out causing one of my power tubes to not even be running. Anyway, i was really excited to use it and our band was headlining a show, so I decided to use it. Then I get a call asking if the other 3 bands could use my amp as a bass amp. I said okay, but not happy about it all.
Well, I get to the show an hour before we play, and I find that my amp has been plugged into a line out, not a single out to the speaker cab, and the thing was running a 2 ohm load. Wow. genius. I corrected all the errors, and used the amp for our set. Worked just fine.
The next morning I get it out of its road case to find that the screen looks to have been pushed out, potentially due to being dropped. I also found that when I took the thing off standby, the amp went ZZZZZZZTTTTTT and one of the power tubes went purple so i freaked and turned it off. WTF do I do now? I mean, I am already taking it back to the shop, but what in the world could be wrong with it? Another blown capacitor? A loose power tube? Damage from being dropped? Any ideas? Please?