Hi, Guys,
I love bad movies, and tonight I accidentally hit on a Sunn gem.
If you have Comcast cable with their OnDemand service, go to the Free Movies category and check out Blast-Off Girls. Writer/director is Hershel Gordon-Lewis.
I haven't watched it beyond the first five minutes, but the opening scene has a truly bad bar band with at least two sparkling-new Sunn rigs in the back line.
The film is copyrighted at 1967, and what I saw looked like a 200S class head with a double-15 cabinet, and a similar-size head with a smaller cabinet to the left. Hofner bass, some kind of Ricky guitar and an SG.
These guys are absolutely the worst, which is merit enough to make the movie a prize. I haven't heard playing and singing this bad in so long that it was almost refreshing. Bad stretch -- it really sucks, but it was cool seeing those old amps back there. Now I'll have to watch the rest of this shitfest.