I did a bar gig a couple months or so ago with a two cab 2000S rig, and as glorious as it sounded it will be a while before I do it again. Not only is it a SOB to move, it takes up a whole bunch of real estate on stage once you get it there.
Also, for most of the last set I was dreading the 3 AM load out through the crowd of drunks rather than rockin' the rig. Those of us that have been there know the drill... excuse me; pardon me; watch out!; excuse me; get out of my way and get a room; etc.
As I said, it will probably be a while before I decide to gig
that rig again, my 200S and 215S cabs do a
fine job in a much more user friendly package.
Pappalardi and Redding had roadies...