I think the 115/215S-M-V series cabs may be the most versatile 15” bass guitar enclosures I’ve ever used. The D140F loaded 200S/Sonic I40 are IMO quite possibly the most “musical”, sweetest sounding bass cabs
ever built; however as has been discussed they are pretty much physically limited to those old JBL’s. I can’t think of a driver that sounds
bad in later 115/215S et al cabs, and more importantly they’ll ALL FIT!
While by default the members of this forum think the Sunn bass cabs sound superb, the adulation of Sunn cab designs are not just limited to Sunn-o-philes.
For example…
During the extensive testing for Reeves we used vintage AlNiCo and ceramic JBL, EV’s and CTS as sort of a “control”, and auditioned Eminence, WGS, EV, Celestion, and Faital Pro as potential suppliers for the production cabinets. In all honesty nothing sounded bad, I would gladly gig
any of those drivers in a 115/215 Sunn cab.
We also had an Orange OBC115, Trace Elliot (EV TL606 clone), Sonic I40 that we used for driver/cab comparison. Once the driver was picked, Reeves commissioned a box built to that speaker’s T/S parameters as well as one that was “half a 215S”.
Here’s a pic of the ½ 115S and the Theile box together, we spent the majority of our total time just A/Bing these two boxes.
And the winner was…
familiar fellow Sunn geeks? While I’m obviously biased towards the Sunn design, I wasn’t the only person involves in the decision by a long shot; and I certainly didn’t have the final say in the selection process.
It just
sounded the best – by
unanimous decision.
It’s 2” deeper and ¼” taller than a 115S/M/V to compensate for loss of internal volume because of construction differences such as deeper mounted baffle, recessed handles, etc.
http://www.reevesamps.com/bassCabinets.htmHowever, it’s pretty much just a dressed up Sunn 115S/M/V wearing Reeves clothes.
Sorry for the derail; I suppose my point is…
If you guys are going to go to the effort to build your own “Sunn” boxes, IMO you couldn’t have picked a better model to emulate, and the results look exemplary!