Author Topic: sunn beta lead too quiet  (Read 25423 times)

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Offline Isaac

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2012, 09:42:13 am »
I was going to guess Saxony, but that's probably because it's the only eastern German state I know the name of.

Offline jues

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2012, 12:31:33 pm »
it's not just "saxony" .... it's "saxony anhalt"... you won't believe it... we call it "saxony - anstalt" that would be like "saxony mental hospital" because "anstalt" rhymes to "anhalt"

okay somebody just wrote me that the volt converter doesnt fit....then he says that the speaker cabinet is switched wrong or connected wrong.

what am i supposed to believe now?


another alleged tech says that it could be that if one special output transistor is broken then everything is lost. is that true? i hope not
« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 12:23:56 am by jues »

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2012, 03:31:33 am »
i have 2 possibilities to choose from.
one new shop in Halle just opened and said i shall come over with ALL my stuff. the cab, the amp and the volt converter. is that even necessary?

then again a guy from leipzig said that it could possibly happen that the amp can never be repaired if there is some rare transistor broken. please tell me that this not true right?

Offline EdBass

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2012, 06:07:40 am »
i have 2 possibilities to choose from.
one new shop in Halle just opened and said i shall come over with ALL my stuff. the cab, the amp and the volt converter. is that even necessary?

I don't think that's a bad idea at all. That's probably the only way to be sure the complete rig is working properly.
Plus, I believe there were issues about the step up transformer's performance as well as questions about the cab hookup anyway, wasn't there?

then again a guy from leipzig said that it could possibly happen that the amp can never be repaired if there is some rare transistor broken. please tell me that this not true right?

Hopefully one of the more transistor amp oriented members will chime in about this, but I don't remember ever reading about an issue with unavailable transistors in a Beta Lead.

It sounds like you may be making some progress; again Good Luck!

Offline george

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2012, 03:44:16 pm »
Please have the tech do a complete diagnosis and then come back and tell us what they found. There are a few "rare" (obsolete) devices on that design but there are work arounds (substitutes). Do you have the service manual - it used to be on this site somewhere?

Offline jues

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2012, 03:16:06 am »
hey ed what is a step up transformer? do you mean the master volume? oh and the cab hookup.
there is a picture as you can see on the first sides of my thread there you can see the 2 input jacks with the selector
if you switch it to the right the cab runs at mono with selectable 4 ohm input or 16 ohm input.

or you can run it stereo with the 2 inputs at 8 ohm

here the picture again.

i bought the cab in order to have the right impedance of 4 ohm for the beta lead.
 as i understand it the impedance is dependet on the number of speakers and how much ohm they run at. if you have 4 12" 16 ohm cabs...they oughta themselves down to 4 ohm because 16ohm : 4speakers = 4ohm speakers. or do i understand it wrong?

oh and another thing was mentioned by a friend of mine but i don't know if this could be the problem.

he said if the beta lead is from america and runs with 120 V...but the speaker cab is built in europe or china or whatever and possibly runs with 230 V....? he asked me if that could be it?

oh and what i wanted to know is... the power cable from the beta lead a three-wire cable or two? or four? three, right?

okay thanks again leute.

@ george: yeah i got the service manual.

Offline EdBass

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2012, 12:03:10 pm »
hey ed what is a step up transformer? do you mean the master volume? oh and the cab hookup.
there is a picture as you can see on the first sides of my thread there you can see the 2 input jacks with the selector
if you switch it to the right the cab runs at mono with selectable 4 ohm input or 16 ohm input

or you can run it stereo with the 2 inputs at 8 ohm.

Actually I miss spoke, I meant "step down" transformer. That's what takes your wall current down to what the amp wants to see.

i bought the cab in order to have the right impedance of 4 ohm for the beta lead.
 as i understand it the impedance is dependet on the number of speakers and how much ohm they run at. if you have 4 12" 16 ohm cabs...they oughta themselves down to 4 ohm because 16ohm : 4speakers = 4ohm speakers. or do i understand it wrong?

oh and another thing was mentioned by a friend of mine but i don't know if this could be the problem.

he said if the beta lead is from america and runs with 120 V...but the speaker cab is built in europe or china or whatever and possibly runs with 230 V....? he asked me if that could be it?

oh and what i wanted to know is... the power cable from the beta lead a three-wire cable or two? or four? three, right?

These are all questions you need to be asking the tech that you find local to you rather than a bunch of people on a different continent via a discussion forum.

I know you are frustrated with your amp, and it's obvious from the above quotes that you probably have no business poking around inside your Beta.
What is also obvious is that it's not a simple hook up issue; your amp seems to be in need of professional help.

Again I'm going to suggest that you find a tech. It would seem that you CAN'T fix the problem; what do you expect to accomplish by continuing to ask questions about how you CAN fix it?
You aren't going to get the help you need by posting in circles on this forum. Concentrate all of that energy on finding some who possibly CAN fix your amp.

I'm seriously not being an ass, and myself and others here are really trying to point you in the right direction; but you keep posting the same things over and over as if something might miraculously change, and that by simply  plugging something in differently all will be well with your Beta.
That isn't going to happen IMO; possibly there is some misunderstanding in translation, but it sure seems like you have a sick Sunn on your hands and it needs a REAL doctor. Take your amp, cab, and probably most importantly the service manual to a QUALIFIED TECH.
If the tech gets' "stuck", post his or her questions here translated as accurately as possible.

Check back in once you get the amp and cab checked out by a professional; I'm certain that everyone here who has tried to assist you with your issue would like to see you get your rig fixed, and will be interested to know what the outcome is.
And, as I mentioned some of the more experienced techs here may indeed be able to assist a QUALIFIED TECH in getting your Beta up and running.

Good Luck!

Offline jues

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2012, 02:53:28 pm »
okay ed. you've got me.
don't worry i'm on it. i know what you want to say with "miraculously" and you're damn right with that ;) . i'll let you guys know what the problem is and was. don't get me wrong i just thought let me first ask here and there for some things that i don't know, and compare things with what some friends said.

and sorry for my bad english. i always thought i'm pretty good at it but now i see...

thanks anyway.

Offline EdBass

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2012, 04:43:21 pm »
No problem, I just think you are making yourself even more frustrated by trying to solve your problem by repeated posting on this thread.

I think your English is just fine, certainly much better than my nonexistent German!

Offline buzzsunn

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2012, 01:58:58 am »
It has mentioned before but I will write it again.
If your amp doesn't have any technical issue, it is probably your step down transformer.
If your converter doesn't give your amp the appropriate power, you will feel the amp weak and without the amount of volume.

Since you are in German, check the above link:

You should check the VA (I THINK that 500VA should be ok with the beta).
But YES pay a visit to your local tech!!
check and contribute:

Offline jues

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2012, 02:05:04 pm »
thanks buzzsunn... haven't thought about that yet. the converter that i have is this one:

that would be the biggest ripoff for me if its all just because of this b***.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 01:21:28 am by jues »

Offline Walt-Dogg

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2012, 08:40:58 pm »
My money is on the cable not being a speaker cable connecting the head to the cab.
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Offline jues

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2012, 01:03:33 am »
it is a speaker cable!

Offline Walt-Dogg

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Re: sunn beta lead too quiet
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2012, 12:57:35 pm »
Just because it says on it that it is, does not mean it is functioning as one. In my experience this has happened to my Sunns from faulty cables connecting to the cabs causing current to draw back into the amp.
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