It's been a long time since my last post! I was scanning Craigslist this last week and came across an ad for an empty 18" bin. Well, when I opened the ad, the picture was clearly of a it Sunn 118MH cab! I could tell by the curved plywood horn and the distinctive metal corners.
The best part is that the owner was giving it away for free! Long story short.......I picked it up and it was in reasonably good caster socket was missing, along with all the casters, rubber feet, badge and the handles. Still it was solid, with an intact access panel and screws.
So, other than bragging about my any of you know what handles were used on these? I can't find a photo showing the handles. Did they use the typical flat, plastic handles on these? Any recommendations on 18" drivers? Are these a tight fit like the 215S cabinets? I'm imagining what this cab will sound like with my 2000S! Thanks for your replies!