Author Topic: Sunn Solos II Copy  (Read 3851 times)

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Offline Jaggi

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Sunn Solos II Copy
« on: September 11, 2013, 10:19:49 am »

I have just bought a Sunn Solos II and it sounds really great ! It's a 1971 version, it is in a good shape a work well, even at high volume.
I want to make a copy with another speakers. Make a copy is difficult, my work progress but I have three problems to finish it :

 1- On the shematic and into the amplifier some capacitors have no indication of the voltage. How can I get it
 2- The transistor 2N4304 is difficult to find, some one have a idea to find it or maybe another transistor is quite equal ?
 3- How can I find the 2 transformers ?

After that I will able to built a copy.

Thanks for your Help.


Offline loudthud

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Re: Sunn Solos II Copy
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 12:49:44 pm »
For the 2N4304 you can use MPF102. The unmarked capacitors below 1uF, use 100V or more, mylar, polyester or ceramic (last resort). Since you have an amp, look at the parts in the amp for a voltage rating.

Transformers will be difficult to find. Mercury Magnetics makes a replacement for the driver transformer, but it's very expensive. For the power transformer I know of no available replacement. The easiest thing to do would be to find a used Concert amp (Lead, Bass or Slave) and use the power transformer from that. If you need a 220V or 240V primary, you'll have to have a transformer custom wound. The used amp will also have a driver transformer.

Offline Jaggi

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Re: Sunn Solos II Copy
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2013, 11:11:41 pm »
Thank you for your help, I'll study this solution.
