Basic rule on fuses from when I was in the Navy is that you get to replace them once. If they blow again, time to start troubleshooting.
First thing you did wrong was to think that they might not be the correct fuses. Don't guess where fuses are concerned. If you think they're not right, find out, but simply going ahead and replacing them with a higher value risks destroying your equipment. This schematic calls for two 10 amp slo-blo fuses: It might be the same as your slave. Is there an indication at the fuse holders as to what the correct value is?
Sunn Coliseum power amps were rated for 2 ohm use. I don't recall ever seeing anything that said they weren't good for it, as I have about the Concert amps. But from your description, it sounds as though it runs all right with a 4 ohm load, but not at 2 ohms. Is this correct? Also, you mentioned smoke. Smoke is bad. Even if the component(s) that smoked didn't die, it (they) was probably compromised, and should be replaced. Likely it will fail sooner rather than later.
There are several possible causes for your blown fuses. The amp should be evaluated by a competent technician.