My Sunn Concert Bass head, played though a single 15" (4 ohms) cabinet, wasn't cutting through the clutter, so I added a 2-10 cabinet (8 ohms) to add definition and punch. It sounds great -- but the head was getting hot because of the impedence. (Went below the 4 ohm limit. Not good to do.) So, following advice from a music store and past posts in this forum, I found a Sunn Concert Slave, which I figured I'd use to drive one of the cabs while using the Concert Bass head to drive the other. My question:
How exactly is this slave supposed to work? I'm plugging my bass into the the Concert Bass head, like I've always done. Then I run a cord from the "pre-amp out" jack on the back of the Concert Bass head, plugging it into the "line in" jack on the front of the Concert Slave. I then use each of these components to drive one cabinet apiece. But....
The Slave has only one control knob, for "input sensitivity," and it doesn't seem to do much. I have to tuurn it to 10 to get a full sound out of the attached cabinet; anything below about 7 or 8 and it might as well be turned off. That means I cannot separately turn up or down that cabinet or use the Slave as a separate amp with any control over the volume (and not that much volume comes out, either). The entire setup seems to be entirely controlled from the Concert Bass head. So far as I can tell, I'm not getting any sort of big boost out of the slave. I suppose it will keep me from frying the Concert Bass head (because of the impedence issue). Am I missing something?