I'm looking for a Cover for my Sunn 4-10 bottom. I also have a Fender 1-15 and that cover fits it loosely. (so I bought one) The handles don't line up and it's about 1" too deep. Anyway's I'd like an orginal sunn cover. I've talked to Tiki Covers and I think I'd rather find a Sunn. I am hopping that there's a music dealer out there somewhere that has one on a shelf. I talked to fender got a model number and then was told that they were discontinued.
If you play bass and don't use a Sunn you're not getting the most out of your bass. I use a 1200w tube rack mount head with 4-10's and 1-15. I started using Sunn in 1967 with a 200S after I heard "The Kingsman" in our home town. The local Club owner was a dealer and he supplied our band (The Cherry Slush-USA Records, Chicago) with all Sunn Equipment.
Thanks for all of your help.