I have that same head in much better shape. All I can say is be prepared to have some work done on it. They ran the pwr supply filter caps to the ragged edge back when line voltage was 110v. Now we're upwards of 117-125. My caps are fried in mine....I need to get on it and get it back on the road again. Triode electronics sells a replacement filter pc board that mounts on the transformer bolts. I recommend that. They have 400v caps run in series for an 800v rating, which you need. The plate voltage is over 600 on these. I think I paid 75$ for it 20 years ago.
The ebay guy that says the filter caps are original on that one is fooling himself. If they're working at all they're in bad shape and will spew thier guts all over the inside of the chassis...and that makes a horrible smelly mess. Also rusts the chassis beyond belief...the electrolyte is etrribly corrosive.
Cool amp, yes....but just like any other vintage amp it *will* need attention.