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Q & A / Re: Facing facts
« Last post by Isaac on October 19, 2024, 10:58:56 am »
Yeah, it's time.

As for Sunn not being iconic, I'd say that part of the reason is that they went out of business. As a result, with no new gear, people stopped using them.
Both speakers work perfectly. Very full sounding and ready to rock. Great for gain, of course, but also great for rich cleans.

Each speaker is 8 ohm and rated for 50 watts. (100W total) Prefer to sell as pair.

$265 shipped CONUS / PayPal F&F preferred, buyer pays fees for G&S.

Pics here:


New here to this forum but plenty of positive feedback on The Gear Page and Reverb. If you'd prefer to buy through one of those platforms (or if you'd like to message me there to verify identity), feel free! Links below.

TGP Listing:
Reverb listing:
Classified / 1968 1000s with matching cab(s) - Los Angeles
« Last post by D.M.N. on October 09, 2024, 05:39:19 pm »
Looking to move on my ?68 1000s rig, near museum piece. The head features the Dynaco A-430 transformer, the massive grey box, three GE 6550s and a GEC KT88. This amp is pretty much as it left the factory, very little if any work has been done on it (still has the two prong), including what appears to be a factory oddball can cap (guessing they ran out of the standard type and used what was available). Cabinet has JBL D15S speakers, the JBL crossover, though the horn does not appear to have ever been installed. For the head and cab I?m asking $2500, but if you want the second 2000s cab below (D140s), I?ll do $3000 for the whole set. Located in Glassell Park, LA.

Q & A / Re: Facing facts
« Last post by Ryan Phelps on September 29, 2024, 06:30:58 pm »
To all my Sunn friends,

I relate to Issac's post. I just turned 70 years old and am thinking "what will I do with all this old Sunn gear"? I'll need to sell this stuff to Sunn fans.
I have 7 tube heads, 7 speaker cabinets and 2 solid-state bass combos.

It is interesting to me how early Fender, Marshall, Ampeg and Acoustic amps (especially bass amps) are considered iconic and collectible, but Sunn amps are not! Perhaps Sunn amps are not as widely recognized or appreciated, just my suspicion.

OK, send me your thoughts!
Classified / Re: sunn-beta-lead-tech-special
« Last post by nosaj on September 23, 2024, 04:57:09 pm »
« Last post by loudthud on September 20, 2024, 02:18:04 pm »
Here's the build guide:

Apparently, no 2 Ohm tap.
« Last post by loudthud on September 19, 2024, 04:31:33 am »
Interesting, couldn't find any info on if it has a 2 Ohm output tap.
« Last post by Oli on September 19, 2024, 03:10:49 am »

just found this very interesting Link - maybe interesting for customers in the EU:

P.S.: I have no experience with this shop but it looks very interesting.
Q & A / Re: Facing facts
« Last post by Soundmasterg on September 09, 2024, 11:49:11 pm »
Hi Boys, long time no talk. I haven't been on the forums for a while. I took a contract in the Automotive industry a few years ago, and because I'm ALSO not getting any younger, I had to focus on that exclusively.

I plan to gradually get mentally out of the corporate mindset and get back in touch with the right hemisphere of my brain.
We'll see how that goes... :)

Good to hear from you Ed! Like you I've had to get in the right headspace in order to continue to make money and haven't bene playing much at all. I spent 2 years getting my duplex ready to sell, then sold it and bought a house, which needed work, and then got run into and have spent the last couple years working on cars so I can sell them and get to just what I need. Unfortunately that leaves little time to enjoy my hobbies.

It's important though for peace of mind if nothing else. I fully plan to get back into playing and building guitars and amps and going out to jams and playing shows. I think the sooner you're able to rejoin that world the better for your mental health also.  :-D

I do plan to make it back to the Dayton museum for a better look at the airplanes there one of these days. Hope you're doing well otherwise!

Q & A / Re: Facing facts
« Last post by loudthud on September 07, 2024, 03:52:32 pm »
I have been wondering lately, just how many of us old musicians had a piano in the house where we grew up ? I did. Never really learned to play it, but it came in handy when I was taking Music Theory class.
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