well, if Joe or anyone is still interested in my resurection of the T, here's where i'm at. if anything, this may help others in the future. i've purchased Morgan Jones Third Addition Valve Amplifiers book. although the valve and amp info is based on the UK equipment, he has approached the amp design from engineering theory and offers great detail on the reasoning behind the design.
With everything wired together after fixing the bias loop (replaced the rectifier diode), going live produces a "sizzle" sound after 10-20 seconds.
after some isolating, i determined that the power caps C17 & C18 (original malory's replaced with Sprague Atom TVA 1908 40uF, 500vDC axial lead aluminum electrolytic capacitors) where the noise culprits.
although these had been replaced, once out of the circuit there was no sizzle.
Disconnecting downstream of terminals A,B,C and C17&18, and standby "on" or closed position, i measure:
A=100 vDC
B=60 v
C=50 v
At this time with the stanby switch "off" or open, measuring from the bias test point i get -20v min and -25v max by adjusting the pot.
my question is:
are the voltage readings at A,B,C too low? Relative to the schematic i should be seeing something 519, 419, and 330.